Thursday, September 29, 2011

Weigh-In Wednesday

Had a great time with three of my four close friends who graduated from SCHS and then went on to graduate from USU 50 (yipes) years ago. Our missing friend, Kaye, had Alzheimer's and died 8 years ago. Geri (left) just returned from beautiful HI serving her mission there with hubby Doug. We were very close, in band together, went on 600 calorie diets, picked beans to earn money. Sharie moved back to Providence 6 years ago and is glad to be out of Bakersfield, CA (too hot). She and I tap danced together on school assemblies to Elvis and others music. Jan (right) still lives near San Francisco, was an airline stewardess for 2 years, met a wealthy guy, quit working, married him and still enjoys her lifestyle. Geri, Sharie and I were also Alpha Chi Sorority sisters and all four of us were in USU Sponsor Corps (Lt. Cols and attached to ROTC at USU). No longer an organization there.

They all enjoyed a lovely lunch with other Golden 50's Alumnus and special guest speaker was Craig Jessop formally leader of the Air Force Singing Sargent's (dad and I saw them many times at various bases when they come in for special occasion when a General was in town). Then he took over the Mormon Tab for many years until he retired two years ago to join faculty of USU. My cousin, Mike Bankhead, who has just taken over as Dept head of music dept was there also and told the crowd about how my dad loved opera and classical music and related several neat things about their relationship with music that I'd never heard before. So I was very happy to learn about them.

After lunch and photos Geri, Jan and I toured the campus with others and could not believe that changes (well, it's even been over 10 years since Brady, Justin and Katie graduated which is the last time I've been there). The only original buildings that we recognized were Old Main, the Art Barn (soon to be history) and the good old field house. Tour ended at Aggie Ice Cream which used to cost 10 cents a cone (now 1.59). Great day and so glad I went.

I'm DONE with dill pickles - 35 quarts total!!! Still doing applesauce, and Ryan and Rachel helped me pick pears (they've been falling on ground and have made pear topping for the fat-free cake I can eat). Delicious! I've been giving them away to friends, trading with neighbors for tomatoes and have spent half of today freezing them for my cereal and yogurt this winter. Holly came over mid-day and carried heavy things for me, I printed off some cute photos she wanted and I sent home a sack full of fruits and veg. She was not happy with my weight of 89 though.

Yesterday I spent all morning with cousin, Gretta, (Summer's side of family) going through old photos that Zella collected and never identified who the people were. It was good to take time out of canning, etc and go through these boxes that we inherited when we cleaned out H/Z house. I'd already given Doyle half of the stuff, but this one box I found had to small albums of H/Z courtship and newly married and I found several of your dad as a baby, yippee! I didn't think they existed and this is good as someday I want to do a scrapbook for him rather than the tiny baby stats book Zella kept and one where she put some of his Army photos. So it turned out well worth the time.

It's my feeding time, so I'll bid adieu.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Hannah is 15

Here is Hannah-Bee dancing at her homecoming at Downey High. The class of 2014 were Honey-Nut Cheerios.

Here is the start of Hannah's 15th Birthday adventure.

Which included ice skating

and lazer-tag

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Weigh-In Wednesday

Oh Holly, you are a riot! How can I let all this lovely fruit go to "waist" and not eat, preserve it or give it away. I woke up every hour last night not being able to sleep well and I've worked all day and am pooped and would love to just sit down and eat bon bon's, but I don't have any.......

Maybe after I meet with a landscaper who's coming in an hour to talk about that messy side hill behind my home I can sit down. Hopefully he has a plan to stop all those tall grasses from growing there every year and it would help get rid of all those grasshoppers.

My weight is 90 lbs so that's an increase from last week. This Fri. I'm going to attend a luncheon for Golden class of '61 USU reunion as part of homecoming weekend. I can't believe it!!!! I hope there are a lot of Golden Oldie Jokes spoken to make all of us laugh.

Question for all of you. Nearly every morning as I listen to Grant and Amanda on the radio they've been talking about "Angry Birds" this and "Angry Birds" that and how this is getting bigger and bigger and bigger out there. I vaguely remember hearing something about it during our reunion. Enlighten me please. Thanks.

Happy Birthdays to Rebecca and Hannah this week!

Weigh-in Wed 9/21/11

Just about the time I think I am not getting enough (extra) activity in my daily living (work is alot of activity), I wake up to a weigh-in of 190! Yeah! ok, that is 6 lbs since the end of July after the reunion.  That seems so slow but at least I'm not at a stand still.
Depending on what Mom weighs currently, I have 3 lbs to go to reach my original first goal. But now that I am so close to being under the 190's I will be happy with just one more pound!  Then I'll work on getting to be less than 100 lbs more than Mom.
Seriously Mom, you need to chill out on all the hard harvesting, canning, etc. work and eat instead of burning so many calories.  Help me out here :)  Try sitting on the couch all day eating bon-bons. It'll do ya good.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

testing testing 1-2-3

Here is a shot of Hannah playing tennis against Davis High

This is Hannah's kitten, Mr. Muffin, helping grade geometry tests. Good job Muffin!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Weigh-in Thursday

Slowly, but it is going in the right direction. 5 more to go for first goal of being less than 100 lbs more than Mom.
Labor Day weekend was difficult. There was always something going on that included food!  Back on track with food choices and trying to get some activity (other than work) in daily.
Sundays are free. They have to be because I would fall off the wagon if I didn't get my weekly El Toro Veijo fix. Makes me happy. Sundays are my favorite day of the week :)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Weigh-In Wednesday -2

Well, that's what you get when you say something is easy!!!! I tried to move the photo's placement after inserting it and could not figure out how to return to original post after I'd edited it. So layout has toooooooo many spaces between paragraphs and photo is in wrong place and I didn't get to add my weight (thus the title). I'm at 88.5 this week and have had quite a bit of vertigo today, but maybe weeding outside upside down contributed to that. That's it for today.

Weigh-In Wednesday

Hi ya'll

I just finished showing Rachel how to make Greek yogurt so now it's time to blog. She and Ryan are really into good nutrition, but are on a tight budget as neither has secured a job yet. He's so busy with school that he's not sure how much time he'll have to get work hours in, but Rachael has already graduated so she's put out resumes to many places. They eat a lot of Greek yogurt (pricy) so when I mentioned that I make my own they asked for lesson. I think with as much as they eat they'll have to double the batch.

I've been giving them peaches, cucs, apples, tomatoes, which they can't thank me enough for them and Monday night they got on a Gastroparesis website and found a banana/chocolate chip cookie that they thought I could eat. They surprised me with them and I thought that was so thoughtful of them to do that.

I had a pretty good trip down to Lindon other side of SLC and through terrible 6 lane road construction. My problem isn's driving so much as it's trying to read road signs and drive as same time. I visited with Gordon and Ann Smith (Brooke and I used to work for him at CMS Casuals in Bellevue, WA) for an hour and they were both so happy to see me again. Last time was at dad's funeral. Then I headed to church just a mile away for Marilyn's funeral. Dear friends, Madsens and Halidays, joined Barbara, Marilyn's best friend and ours as we went through the line. I started to tear up when I saw all the photos, scrapbooks, etc that were on the display table in foyer that had our faces smiling back at us when we were having so much fun together in L.A. We were all invited to stay for lunch after buriel and that was so nice so we could visit and catch up. I met Lance in parking lot off interstate on way home to take some things. It was a long drive and day, but all okay.

When Holly came over yesterday morn to get some fruit and veg and showed her how easy it was to get on this new blog compared to old one. So that's why I posted those few lines then. She liked first one better as she has to go through a number of different steps than I do and we don't know why. I'm finally getting the notices to come to my email account rather than going to Gmail. Thanks, Jesse.

All those photos were darling of my little grandcubbies - love to see them doing so many fun things and different places they've gone lately. And now their off to school and doing well. Hopefully Brady or Mary will have some time to bring you all up-to-date on Hannah's schedule. She's booked for 12 hours a day and then there's the homework!

I forwarded those dresses Sunshine posted to some of my best friends as I'm always taking about this "professional" dressmaker we have in our family. Rebecca and Holly are surely happy with their new skirts and I'm taking some material to G.V. with me to see if she has time to do something new for me that I haven't altered at least three times.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Love New Photos

I'm loving to see all the new photos on the blog about what my little cubbies are doing during these last two months. Busy, busy, busy times that's for sure -- but also happy and exciting times also.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Making Dresses

Gloria said I should show everyone my latest dress creations- here are the 3 I made this summer. I have 7 more to make before November, plus team dresses for Regionals- 30 for Phoenix, 16 for Tucson, 24 for Idaho. I also have to make about 10 new costumes and alterations for the Irish Nutcracker. I'm just a little busy!

First Day of School

The kids started school last month- here they are all ready to go!

Hyun 10th grade, Taryn 9th grade, Taegan 6th grade, Ffiona 4th grade, Haedyn 1st grade

San Diego Trip

We spent Labor day weekend on Coranado Island. We have a wonderful dance competition discount at the Lowes Coranado that we like to take advantage of every year.

The kids spent the days (when they wen't competing) splashing in the pools and in the ocean.

They loved hunting early in the day for

sand dollars and other shells

They loved all the relaxing and enjoyed having Daddy to themselves

In the evinings there were poolside marshmellow

roasts and Dive in Movies

Our last day we went to the San Diego Maritime Museum for FOS- Festival of Sail.

We went on the Star Of India and on the HMS Surprise and a Russian Submarine

First day of school

New backpacks, new dinosaur shirts, ready for school

Dylan shares a table with his friend Anna at kindergarten :)

Rowan is cute

Summer photos for your viewing pleasure #2

Picnic at Wallace Lake

Dress up is fun

The boys loved washing to car (cheap labor)

Rowan's first plane ride and Dylan's third.  They did great and even distracted mommy from her nausea and anxiety from flying

Having fun with their awesome daddy

Summer photos for your viewing pleasure

Llamas at the Ravalli County Fair

Rowan changes his mind

The boys really liked this ride

Petting Stingrays at the fair

Dylan loved learning to fish with Daddy on our Idaho camping trip.  

Nat was at our camping trip and Rowan thinks he is so funny

The boys loved the beetle they found

Dylan loved to roast marshmallows, but not eat them

kids.... you gotta love them

This is what I get for letting them play alone while I got some weeding done.  Not only did they empty a full bottle of baby powder, but Rowan dumped a bottle of apricot baby oil on the end of his bed.  Jesse and I had to laugh (without them seeing of course).