Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Hyun ordained a
Priest by Brooke.
Gloria, Sunshine, Taryn and Helen
ready to board plane in Philly
to Dublin.

Taryn wearing Sunshine's newest beautiful creation following her first competition in All Ireland Dance Comp.
I was soooooo proud of her

In Belfast we stopped at the Cornish Pasty shop for lunch. I had delicious soup and bread (which I ate wherever we went all during my trip). They told me the pasties were delicious. We didn't have time to see the famous Titanic Museum there.

We walked to terminal and took the 10 min train ride into downtown Dublin to shop and see the sights.

Had a great visit to famous Bunratty Castle - had a lovely Irish meal (Sunshine had ordered a vegetarian meal for me which was absolutely delicious). I'd forgotten how good parsnips were. We were entertained by a fun group of Elizabethan musicians. A delightful and entertaining evening.

Following lunch with W. B. Yeats at his exhibition, Sunshine and I had a visit with Oscar Wilde at his birthplace. Many famous authors and poets claim Ireland as home.

Took a three hour ferry from Dublin to Holyhead, Wales. Not like the ferries I was used to in Plattsburgh, NY nor Seattle WA, but rather a beautiful small cruise ship. Wales was so beautiful and green with lots of sheep out grazing on the grass.

This is one of pods of London Eye. Something I hadn't seen in London last summer because of the 4 hour wait in line. But no lines this time and we took a nice slow ferris wheel type ride to view the entire city of London.

Michael Maguire of the famous and talented Maguire Irish Dance family invited Taryn to join one of his classes and gave her personal instruction to help perfect her dancing skills. He and wife, Kathleen, have 6 children - all professional dancers either with River Dance or have their own dance studios, except for Sean who is now a movie and TV actor in Hollywood.

Here's Taryn with Kathleen who also invited her to participate in one of her classes. Kathleen won the World's competition three years in a row and her daughter, Ellie, also won the World's three years in a row. Only mother/daughter combination to do so. She really went out of her way to roll out the red carpet for us - feeding us, bedding us, transporting us to train stations, bringing us back to her home after the classes and taking us on a sightseeing tour of the city when all lit up with lights. I'm still amazed at her generosity with her time as she was soooooo busy while we were there. It was such a privilege to meet them - sweet memories for me.

I didn't get a photo of Sunshine or Helen driving on the left side of the road, but I must tell all of you that for her first time Sunshine did a fabulous job. I was not white knuckled at all and she even read those crazy direction signs while driving!

Great trip, have recovered from jet lag and 26 hours without sleep and have gained back one of the three pounds I lost over there.

Taryn celebrated her 14th birthday at Golden Corral with excited siblings who tried every dessert that was offered (especially the chocolate cover Texas size strawberries).

Happy 6th birthday to Dylan yesterday. His party was postponed due to his illness, but hopefully we'll see his photos later on.

I'd better post this now before I lose it all.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Blue and Gold Banquet

Derek and Brayden chose a dragon cake for the cake decorating contest. The Lego ninja guys really add to the cake. Good job guys!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Winter Formal

CONGRATS to HANNAH! Who was chosen to join
the VARSITY SOFTBALL TEAM. She is so excited to be included on this team with the upperclassmen. She is so stoked to play outfield.

These are her Dorothy slippers she wore to Winter
Formal. They are silver sequins. How cute are they?

This is Hannah dressed and ready to go to Winter Formal. She looks so grown up. And is currently taking Driver Ed which seems to make her even more grown up. Where does the time go?

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Weigh In Tuesday

182 at home. 184 at work. 7 more to go by my birthday.

I keep looking to see a change in the mirror. I just can't see it.
The waistband on my pants feels the same but I can definitely feel a difference in how much extra material is hanging off my thighs and back end. (I don't need to lose any off the back end!) Can't wait for the belly to disappear.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Weigh In

Didn't lose anything this week. Let's call it hormonal.
That and the chocolate pie...

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Super Bowl party

We ate having a Super Bowl party at our house, but where is Justin?? Oh he is pacing in our room by himself, too stressed about the game to enjoy the party- I know hard to believe.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Asparagus Mouth Party

I just made up a new recipe.

Well I think I made it up, I haven't done any research on that, but anyway...

It contains asparagus and is soooo delicious it was a party in my mouth.

So if you're interested:

Asparagus Mouth Party
Serves 4

• 1 bunch asparagus stalks, washed, & trimmed. (I cut them in half as well)
• 1C white mushrooms, sliced.
• 1C grape tomatoes, cut in half.
• Olive oil
• Lemon juice
• Dried basil
• Salt & Pepper
• 1/2C shredded mozzarella cheese.

Mix together asparagus, mushrooms, & tomatoes in large mixing bowl.
Add olive oil & lemon juice to coat.
Add salt, pepper & basil to taste.
Bake at 400F for 15-20 minutes.
Add 1/8 C shredded cheese per serving while warm.


If anyone tries it, let me know what you think.

Grandson Hyun celebrates his 16th this week

The old hammock that Brooke and kids put up several weeks ago broke. I guess I was tooooooo heavy or the ropes just couldn't take this extreme variation in weather and were worn out. So I bought a new striped one and "the boys" came down and put it up, Hyun raked and moved white rocks to new area and Brooke transplanted cacti to pots to replace roses that couldn't survive without some TLC year round.

Haedyn was a good helper too taking up the broom to sweep on brick patio and then trying out the new hammock to make sure it was just right for Mama Bear.

Then since Hyun had given me some good service I invited him to take a spin in my cute little red hotrod. He did pretty well with dad giving him all sorts of instructions and I wasn't white knuckled too much of the time.

I'm not sure Hyun needs these brain puzzlers as he beat Haedyn and I soundly at an updated version of Monopoly during his 16th birthday get together.

Weather's been gorgeous - still doing 2.2 miles on daily walks, but down to 90.0