Friday, June 29, 2012

Our trip to Kooskia, Idaho last weekend

We went to Kooskia this last weekend to celebrate Kahne's birthday.  We all had a lot of fun.  It was nice to get away for a few days.

Singing Happy Birthday to Kahne.

Spanking train.  The boys thought this was hilarious.
Hot Tub!

The creek was cold, but made you feel great after a little dip (or so I was told)

Fun in Nat's creek


 The kids found a mud hole and had the time of their lives.

Fun on the four wheeler.  Reba loved it the most.

Dino Camp


I taught a dino camp with two of my friends as a fundraiser for Rowan's preschool.  We had 17 kids.  It was a lot of fun! 
Paper bag t-rex

Rowan takes his coloring seriously.

We love dino camp!

We made dino eggs with paper mache and then painted them.

Cracking open the egg to find the prizes inside.

My trip to Modesto

We had a delicious Mexican lunch. The waitress was superb!

 Shannon had to take a photo of  Hannah, Brady and I playing around with cell phones.


Shannon and I bought Hannah acrylic nails. She had them painted Red Sox colors.

Mother and Daughter...Awwwww.

Showing off our beautiful feet.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

A Reunion and a Wedding

Here's 35 of us out of a class of 116 grads.  Twenty two have died and who knows where the rest of them are.
I was the MC and received many kudos for my performance, funny jokes and making it a fun evening for all who attended.  Lots of talented singers and musicians in our class were on program.

I'm visiting with Doug Brinley, while his wife,Geri catches up with Jan Mathewson.  The Brinley's are headed to Fresno, CA for their third mission.

On the Friday night before reunion, a few of our old gang met at the Bluebird for dinner.  Next to me and going clockwise is Joyce, Jolene, Kathryn, Sondra, Jan and Sharie.  We talked as fast as we could and compared ailments.  I enjoyed my fruit and white roll with rasp jam.

Doug took this photo of the four of us who also attended our golden reunion at USU last year.  Fifty-five years out of high school doesn't seen as bad at 50 years out of college.

This picture should have gone of top, but it wouldn't when I tried to move it.  Holly invited me to attend the wedding of her special friends Eli and Bethanie and so I did.  Gloria and heat are not mixing lately as I felt like I was going to do the swan dive again (95 degrees).  Holly got me some water and one was frozen so I kept placing it around neck, face, wrists, etc. and it worked out okay.  Loooooooong ceremony and as soon as it was over she drove me up the street so I could get feeling better before my reunion 45 min later and she returned to visit and then later attended a lovely dinner with other guests at the reception.

More Boston

 This is Hannah with Tony, the owner of the Bella Vista restaurant, in Boston's North End.  People have lived continuously since 1630 and has a large Italian Community since 1880.  The our lunch was the best Italian food ever. 
 The North End is also home to the Old North Church (go figure).  Here is Hannah in front of the Paul Revere statue.
Across the harbor from the Old North Church is the USS Constitution, which is the world's oldest commissioned naval vessel afloat.  She won her nickname of  "Old Ironsides" during the war of 1812 exactly 200 years ago.  The obelisk in the background in the Bunker Hill Memorial.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Hannah in Fenway Park

Here is Hannah at Fenway Park in front of the Big Green Monstah.

This was our view of the Red Sox vs. Miami Marlins.  In the bottom of the second we saw a three run hit over the Monstah.  Then in the forth, one pitch after the photo was taken, Big Poppy (David Ortiz) hit a grand-slam into right.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

One Final Test ?

I've spent four days trying to rectify my poor relationship with this blog.  I get so jealous of my friends who have their families close by and they can get together for Sunday dinners, weekend campouts, and other events during weeks.  So when we all first began this blogging process it's been great for me to feel more connected with all of you and for you families to stay connected to each other and share the fun things you do in your very active lives.

Last Tue when I posted my photos and lots of text the blog took the photos, but a nasty little ERROR window came up and wouldn't allow anything else through.  I've questioned a number of people about it and no one had every seen it before - well I always knew I was unique in this world.  But not wanting to just sit and cry when test after test failed, new methods failed I finally got help from Jesse late at night, Sherry, who teaches computers at Mt. Crest H.S. and then yesterday she brought her niece over who didn't solve the nasty error problem, but she was able to help me find another way onto the blogger without going through Picasa which is the way that Michelle, Chris, Eric and Cindy do it.  I hugged her three times and I did an experienced adult's version of River Dance as I was jumping with joy.  I am soooooo glad to be relieved of the stress I was feeling and 73 year olds should not be stressed out.  So thank you so much Jesse for taking time out from your very busy schedule, and Sherry and McCall for willingly coming to my rescue.  I deleted all those tests I done Thur morning and just added the test to the photo I'd posted on Tues, so check them out.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Garden etc.

Our garden.

Four fruit trees and our new back fence (to keep the hooligan's out, just kidding, it's to keep the deer/rabbits out.

Planting blackberries and raspberries with daddy.

Rowan "helped" me reseed the lawn.

Nat and Jesse planting the apple tree.

Happenings in Hamilton

Goof ball.  Do you recognize what's on his head mom?

Fun in the pool with our dear friend Nat.  He is always a good time.

Rowan loves Kahne

Dylan loves to hold his new niece Maya.

So does Rowan.

Great pic.

Happy Birthday Jesse!  He got a lot of camping presents so we can get out into nature more (and hug more trees...right Brady?)

Shannon's new puppy.  Rowan fell in love.

Is it my color?  Not really, but Shannon had fun putting it on us.

Shannon and Olive.

What can we say? We make cute kids.

Dylan takes his pretend guitaring seriously.

The boys love to watch daddy rock out.  We bought a microphone too so Reba can belt it out.

Rock and Roll stance.

At Rowan's end of the school year party.

Rowan received the respectful award from his teacher Dulcie.