Saturday, July 28, 2012

Thank you mom

Thank you mom for hosting a wonderful, fun and entertaining reunion.  We had a awesome time. You are a rock star.

Reba, Dylan and Rowan

p.s.  I will be waiting to hear from you after you see the doctor!

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Link to Katelyn on alpine slide on YouTube

Fun in the Sun

We went down the alpine slide in Park City, saw a moose at the cabin in East Canyon, went hiking, fishing, hot tubbing, played games, then were off to Trafalga's for rock climbing, mini golf, and the kids sold their souls in a pact with mommy to soak daddy on the bumper boats for ice cream. Our green team also owned faces in laser tag! Word.

Monday, July 16, 2012


This was six years ago and the last birthday papa spent with his wonderful family.  Now, that's a big cake and took three days to consume.  I'm sure with some of his grandchildren's appetites today they could easily take care of it in two days.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Congrats Jesse!

Congratulations Jesse on your recent promotion at Trapper Creek Job Corps.  Jesse accepted the Principal position today and we are thrilled.  The students and staff are lucky to have such an intelligent, compassionate and driven leader. Good Going! ;)

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


I've been spending my afternoons  indoors to stay out of the heat.  I'm doing a lot of sewing making pillowcase dresses for the young girls for project of 100 dresses for Africa.  I learned how to do them in May and took three kits home to get started.  I decided this was a great way to use up some of Zella's old material and I've done about 28 so far and will keep it up until Aug when a gal from Wellsville will be taking them all with her when she goes to Africa.
Questar Gas put out a great rebate of cutting down on usage by better insulating the house.  When we built the home we had quite a bit put in attic, but I had a company add another 20 inches as with the rebate my cost was not very much.  We'll see how much it helps.

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I'm in the jammin' business in the mornings.  I'm up at 6:00 to walk 1.6 mi along road to River Heights (along with everyone else), then I come home and pick either strawberries to freeze, eat and share, and now the beautiful raspberries are coming on strong.  The past two mornings I've made 9 jars of jam for my grandbaby bears to take home with them when they come to visit.  I'm sharing with Ryan and Rachel as he did so much work last fall the transplant many of the wild starts that were popping up all over.
If you'll look closely you'll see those above are in the north garden where Jesse and Holly erected that fence and also some that Brooke and Sunshine transplanted during an Oct visit.  These to the right are wild starts that are in south garden that Jesse, Brady, and Justin did lots of prep and put a drip system in.  So you all have helped in one way or another in getting my raspberries to the point where you'll all reap the benefits of hard work.  Thank you very much!!