Friday, March 29, 2013


During our sleepover at Grandma's while she was making a pancake breakfast, Haedyn and I built this cute Lincoln log cabin.
 Yesterday after swimming in Grandma's pool, Haedyn played with
Kitchen's dog Jassy while I helped Grandma cut cute motifs for some of the pillowcase dresses shes donating to the needy here in Green Valley.
After the Elders cut off Grandma's dead tree branches, dug up dead cactus roots and trimmed shrubs, and Haedyn and I dug up dead weeds in back yard, we had a good lunch and fun visit with the Elders.  They were fun to talk to and teased Haedyn a lot.
Before we went to the pool, Haedyn and I sat in front this beautiful bush on back patio which is covered with beautiful yellow flowers.
After Sunshine brought Ffiona and Haedyn down to stay with me she brought two darling patio dresses and one beautiful pale green Easter dress that she had made for me and used my machine to add the buttonholes.  I'm soooooooo excited to have these.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Last Saturday I spent the whole day with the family at the fun Renaissance Festival in Apache Junction (east of Phoenix).  The event was 1600's United Kingdom and all participants (even many visitors) were regaled in the gorgeous attire of that time period.  Taryn was part of the Irish princess court who performed for the public many times during day.  We enjoyed the jousting competition, hysterically funny Catholic nuns comedy act, great Scottish pipes and drums show, the ceremony where the kids were knighted or made ladies of the court and other fun events. I was able to take my small cooler in and leave with the EMT's at the Red Cross building to get my food during the day.
Ffiona composed most of this while I typed it.  Combined effort, yea!

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

We got chicks!

My boys and girls.

Rowan and Dylan play with the chicks everyday (which is good as they need to get used to humans).

Mister photogenic.

Here they are a week later.  Now Jesse just needs to get the chicken coop built.

Hamilton Happenings


 Last week I cut my thumb chopping meat.  I got two stitches and the top part of my nail is about to fall off.


Trampoline fun!

Dylan's friend Anna had a mustache party (yes, her cake and pinata were mustaches, silly girl)

My friend Shannon

Some of you know my friend Shannon, whom I have been best friends with for 19 years.  She is 30 weeks pregnant and looking so beautiful.

I cannot wait for the birth.  There will be one pregnant woman, one husband, 5 girlfriends and hospital staff in one room.  It will be one heck of a party.

Dylan's Birthday photos

Superstar at school. Mrs. Johnson puts on a great party for each child's birthday.

I love this photo.

Dylan's cousin Keenan is singing Dylan a birthday song. So cute!

Dylan wanted a second "funky monkey" for his birthday.  He got the first one when he was born and it was discontinued that same year.  Luckily, I found some people selling them on-line.  Pure joy!

Rowan "helped" Grandma Chris frost Dylan's cake.

Painting race cars.

Dylan loves his new twister game.

Licking the frosting off the candle.  His name was "written" with candy legos.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Kiddos wanted to do a Family Harlem Shake video.  Fruits of our labor:

Monday, March 4, 2013


Despite not feeling very well, my sweet son helped replace this turbine vent on top of my roof.  The wind really gets going some days and the squeaking was so loudly on the old one and sounded worse than any broken helicopter rotary trying to lift me and hacienda to the land of OZ.  Thank you, thank you Brooke.
Hannah has moved from soccer to my favorite sport of softball and from what I hear she's got scouts looking at her.  I love hearing that she loves sports as much as I did.  She's also having a great time heading up the catering team at her high school to help raise money for many programs and earn those service hours that will help with scholarship applications.  Brady, I need an updated photo of her in her softball uniform.
This weekend I took Hyun, Taryn and Taegan to the Mesa Temple for our annual baptism trip there.  We had fun eating at fancy restaurant, playing games, eating junk food and having special experiences together.  Taryn also finally received her Young Woman's Recognition award a few weeks ago as she's given countless of hours of service to various causes.
I know why I didn't major in math in college.  I can't compute numbers.  For three months I thought I was walking 1.5 miles  a day (lately in the cute USU shirt that Ryan and Rachel gave me for Christmas) but that was one ONE way.  I was happy last Fri. when I took a measuring tape (really long one) out and I'm up to 3.4 miles a day now.  Goal is to get to 4 miles before I head north.
Here's a few more family updates:
Uncle Bob Anderson having survived knee surgery a few weeks ago decided it was so much fund he had a hip replaced last week.
Ryan and Rachel are having a boy and that will get her off the hook.
Eric and Cindy are pregnant due Sep 24, yea!
Aunt Connie has recovered from her illness, sounds good and will be 102 years young tomorrow.

Friday, March 1, 2013



We went to the National Center for Atmospheric Research today, very cool an informative.