Monday, September 23, 2013

Oh la la

Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy, Happy Anniversary!!! 16 years of wedded bliss. xoxo

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Life in Longmont

We wanted to show you what life has been like in Longmont the past few weeks. 
Our home is up high, so we were lucky enough to escape damage, but there were so many
 people who were not that lucky!
 Flooding happened so quickly, that the road was washed out from under these 3 cars
 as they were trying to drive across the bridge. 
 These railroad tracks are about 1 mile down the road from us

It will take a lot of Brayden's Legos to fix this road
The National Guard was in full force 
 People had to do some unscheduled basement renovations, and put all the debris on the street for pick up
Many of the roads were shut down, so the entire school district was closed for a week.
With the kids out of school, we put them to work.

We went to the neighborhoods that were flooded, and helped them empty out 
everything from their  basements. 
Brayden found a 14 inch fish in one of the basements!  We found crawdads, and logs, and all sorts of things that should be in a river, and not swimming in a basement

 We got a little dirty
When the kids went back to school on Thursday, a group of moms from church 
got together to go help families that were still under water. 

Justin has been up in Cheyenne for his two week annual tour for the Air Force reserves, but did make it down this weekend to help.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Go shawty, it's your birthday.......

Happy 17th Birthday Princess (love the ears).
We love you and hope you have so much fun celebrating your awesomeness.
xoxo Montana Howells

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


Come on siblings - let the games begin!!

And then I'll light some enormous fireworks, yea!

And then I'll boogie with my son and my brothers!!

Before I return home and have fun with  my boys feeding  the chickens and gathering the eggs.

It's birthday 39 and personally I think it's a good number to stick with.    Congrats and have a fabulous day!!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Becky is 39 and holding. Seriously.

Becky turns 39 today!  You post pics for everyone else so here is one for you.  Happy birthday sis!
 Becky smiling

 Becky being silly

Becky brushes her teeth well

 Who is this handsome devil? Oh! Back to Becky...

Becky is loved 

 Becky is happy

Love ya sis, happy birthday!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Hamilton Happenings

Our bearded chicken.  She is an Aricana, lays green eggs and has way too much attitude

Cotton candy for the first time

Helicopter ride

Truck ride with cousin Keenan

Helicopter ride, smiles the whole time

Super slide, his face kept changing from excitement to concern

First day of school

So handsome!

Rowan was so ready to go back to preschool (his last year)

After the first couple of days of school, Dylan was saying that there was nothing special about tomorrows day at school and Rowan says "Dylan, everyday is special because we are always alive"  xoxo

Camping fun on the selway river in Idaho

Camping is no fun at all

This year the boys loved the boat rides

Nat and Jesse making wasp/bee traps

This trap was full by the end of the day, we filled three or more by the time we left.  Pesky pesky pesky.
We found a sling shot and Rowan had so much fun shooting rocks into the river

Bow and Arrow fun
Kahne painted toenails

Too much sugar?
We spent most of our time in the river, it was more than wonderful

Monday, September 2, 2013


 Look how cute Holly's big shot creation looked on a wedding gift I gave a sweet young couple before I flew to CO for a little R&R.
 Katelyn was delighted when Katie and I accepted her invitation to eat lunch with her fellow 2nd graders.  To the dismay of room monitors there was a lot more talking  than eating going on with the group.
 Justin, Drew and Derek gear up for a popular game called "Magic, the Gathering" that is the rage.  They entered the tournament  on Friday in Loveland and Justin took 1st place, Drew, 3rd place and Derek, 5th place out of twenty, so they all came home with prizes.
 Katelyn bought this beautiful blue fish and matching rocks which makes a darling addition to the home.  It's become the family pet.
 Sunday afternoon continues to be Justin's baking time and he created a beautiful lattice topped apple pie for all to enjoy with caramel crunch ice cream (which I enjoyed as well).  They said the pie was delicious.
 Brayden and Katelyn love their Lego table and thousands of blocks and characters which as you all know Justin has gathered and saved for - let's see, how old is he?  Yea, that many years.
Drew plays piano in church now and plays so well that he  is currently giving Katelyn piano lessons.  Derek is taking drum lessons and boy does the house shake when he practices.

Justin got out all the scrapbooks I'd made for him and we had a great time looking and going down memory lane. 

We're heading to the large park nearby later this afternoon  for an eleven family barbeque and games night.    I'll be heading home on Wednesday and will see eye doctor on Thur.