Monday, January 13, 2014

Christmas in Providence

Here are many photos from our time in Providence.  Enjoy.

Grandma and half of her grand kids.  What a good looking bunch.

Fun and songs with Uncle Lance.

Dancing the Jig and having a great time.

Santa came and made fun of Justin.  It was awesome!

Everyone picked out a hat made by Grandma Gloria.

Hat tag was invented the day after the hats were chosen.

Learning to dip chocolates with Grandma.  Their favorite part was licking their fingers afterwards.

Justin's "my dipped chocolates look better than yours" look.

Brother in-law's bonding.

Gingerbread houses!!!!!

Holly covered her entire house in a variety of M&M's.  It looked delicious.

Justin and mom goof off a little.

Looking good mom in your new shirt and blazer.

Cute new PJ's for mom.
Mom and Holly dance together in-between moms fashion show of all her new clothes.

I love the quilt mom gave me for Christmas.