Wednesday, October 15, 2014


 Holly did a great job putting the 

finishing touches and color accents 

on her grandmother's buffet. 

 Dooie would be so proud of her!!

She's had lots of
compliments by those who have seen it the garage.

Here's the finished project which  holds many of her serving dishes and kitchen ware.  It especially looks great with her cute black and bing cherry red table and chairs near by.  Good Going HollySue!

Our yard project has turned into a much bigger renovation than I had originally planned with Amy.  And the tree stumps removal has caused a huge headache for me.  Seems they are very close to most of the utility lines to the house and not wanting to cause damage to any of those has been the major issue.  Eric comes over about once a week to help with the heavy duty stuff and he was able to take the small Chinese Cherry tree stump out with a sledge hammer.  He has also removed many peonies that were getting to large, fell over with weight and were a mess most of the time.  Other friends came over to get some for their yards. 

hired Larry to take down the huge bushes that had grown around the ugly utility box.  People couldn't even walk down the side walk because of them (they were supposed to be midget bushes).
With his back hoe he also moved my huge rock with character to the front of house where Holly and I really like it.

Then after waiting on the list of clients for the best stump grinder in valley, he finally came and ground the two stumps and three large bush stumps out with his amazing robot grinding saw (2400 rpm).  I (and he) was thrilled that no utility wires nor water pipes were hit.  WHAT a relief that was to have it done. WHEW!

I'm still picking and sharing apples with friends and beginning to tackle the yard work that needs to be done before winter arrives.  (I'm worn out but usually sleep much better at night).

Glad to hear that sweet Haedyn is out of the hospital for treatment for a calf bleed that had to be attended to 24 hrs a day.  He's still in pain, but hopefully his doctors will figure out the best course of treatment to get him "up and attum" again.  Lots of prayers in his behalf...

Hamilton Happenings since we saw each other last...get ready this is a big one.

Shannon, Kim, Steph and I took a trip to Spokane in August to see The Book of Mormon.  We had a blast while we enjoyed a night away from our families.
We went camping in August with our dear friends Kahne, Nat and Acacia.  It rained most of the time, but we made the most of it.

Hiking to Baker lake with friends.
Jesse and Job Corps students marched in the Ravalli County Fair Parade.  Looking good Jesse!!
First day of school.

My baby is in Kindergarten.
We went to a wedding in the woods this September.  The kids got to take a canoe ride with daddy and Chris.

Reba is 40!!  I was sent to a salon for a scalp massage and hair style so folks could set up my party.  
Paula and Shannon

Nat and Kahne

Kim and Johanna
The obstacle course was a big hit!

I asked Chris and Jim for a new Raiders sweatshirt for my 40th. This is what I opened....A sweaty raiders shirt.  Hilarious.

The decorations were mostly pictures of me with people I love!  Look at my hot 19 year old self.
I am volunteering 3-4 days a month as a receptionist at the Women's wellness center.  This is me at our fundraiser last month. It was a Alice in Wonderland theme.
Jesse spent many weekends with his friend Chris to keep our family warm this winter.
Rowan had fun playing Pee Wee Soccer.

Dylan loves to play football.  He is practicing to do a flag football show at the High School  football game's half time this Friday. 

The boys are getting better at guitar hero.  Mommy sings of course.

Halloween sugar cookie decorating.
Nothing like a little home improvement.  Jesse power washed both decks and the house.  I spent yesterday staining the decks.  As mom would say "Way to go"