Sunday, February 22, 2015


When I spent a Sunday afternoon with Brooke and family I was delighted to see how beautifully Ffiona presented the meal to all.  Brooke prepared it and she presented.  It was delicious and I brought 3/4's of it home to enjoy during week.  Maybe culinary arts are in her future.

However, something I want out  my future are the critters who thought (without the landladies permission) to take up residency under my beautiful flowering bush on my back patio.  They had used the three huge rocks that previous owners and placed there for decoration to build a huge hut using all sorts of debris and materials. This photo was taken after the crash. I was too astounded to take one when I first discovered it.   A naturalist would have been amazed and given them high marks, but not moi.  When I took a large tool and crashed it down nothing ran out and attacked me (of course I didn't do it at night when they are out and about).  After I had filled garbage can with this stuff and continued clipping the very long branches I saw another one on the right side of this area. (My poor eyes didn't see this-one either). I nearly had a conniption fit.  I tackled that one after the garbage can had been emptied  the next day and again nothing ran out  to defend his fort.

Hyun spent his day off helping move these huge  boulders to various parts of yard and he continued to rake debris trying to leave colored rocks where they were meant to be.  He's got big muscles that his grandmama lacks.

Yea!  That's looking much etter..........................but this guy, or couple, or family were determined that they couldn't be evicted that easily and when I checked the area several days later there was a huge hole again on right side going under the dirt toward the fittings of the house.  Now I was really getting miffed! 
 So I found a tool with a hook on the end that opened up the awning above and got down and couldn't believe the nest under there that Hyun and I had missed.  It included a huge nest with shredded materials and fibers plus all the rest of the tree pods twigs, leaves etc. and cacti debris they could find.  Then I pulled out two huge pack rats deader than door nails. Yuck!!!!

Before I prepared lunch for us, Hyun also helped blow  all dust, leaves, dirt, etc out of garage after we moved lots of boxes I've been storing in there.  Nice neighbor let him borrow his blower and it's so good to have that done.  We get so much of that dirt and dust here in the desert - wonder why?????  And I'm sure many of you will be shocked - but I've decided that my box fetish has to go. I'll keep those that I use for moving back and forth, but without all  

your dad's stuff and not using as many large boxes for shipping to all of you I'm cleaning out.

Back to the critter problem.  After I cleaned up the dead rats and all their stuff and continued to wonder how many were feeling at home on my property.  So I put out two large containers of delicious rat "food" to see if there were any takers.  Next morning when I checked both were completely empty.  I went in the house and made an appointment with exterminator I use for termites.  He checked the low rise condo out and agreed that putting some bricks and pavers that Hyun had moved behind patio would be good to dissuade them from thinking this was usable property for their summer home.  So I spent the rest of morning cleaning out the nesting hole, filling it with old bricks and rocks and leveled out the rocks and dirt so I could place one side of the pavers under neath the siding to secure them from being lifted up.  Guy left a large container filled with rat elixir and will check each week to see how much is missing.  The next morning when I checked,  Renaldo Rat had returned and tried to dig down to the blocked up nest using another route.  No other evidence of  his gathered debris was around the tunneling.  Will see what the exterminator finds on Tue.

Hope you'll share this saga with my grandchildren so they'll know of my adventures...

Sunday, February 8, 2015


Hi y'all, and congrats to many of our family who are celebrating birthdays this month.  Brayden's was on 6th, Katelyn's on 10th, Brady on the 12th, Taryn on the 24th and Dylan on the 28th.  Then also extended family  are Dustin on 2nd, uncle Bob on 19th and Lance on 23.  Hope it's a good time for all of you.

Bob was hit harder this time with stroke than last summer, but he's into P.T. now and looks like he's having a bit of lunch break.  Left side of body still compromised and Kate says it's going to be a long road ahead.  Let's keep him in our prayers.

Here's the infamous tree in neighbor Barbara's back yard that is causing lots of contention in neighborhood.  I've been asked to be the arbitrator between Cindy and Barb to resolve the issue since I'm friendly with both of them and they have hated each other every since I've been coming to G.V.  I' not sure if even Henry Kissinger could resolve this issue, but we'll see what happens.

And that reminds me that I wanted to resend this photo to those who didn't get it.  I'm tired to replanting cactus that we've planted since living here.  For some reason they haven't survived while others have.  But three weeks or so ago I rode to Tubac (tourist trap of Mexican products for those who don't want to shop across the border) but of course these are priced for American shoppers.  Jack and Jeri were headed to Mexico to get some meds (still much better prices) and since I hadn't brought my passport they dropped me off in Tubac so I could by this darling red rose and quail to fill in for he missing cacti.  Hopefully they will be easier to maintain.

Met high school friend, Ann, for annual lunch at Sweet Tomatoes after shopping; baking for neighborhood and missionaries;  taking many computer classes;  and walking over 2.5 a day at brisk pace are keeping me busy---------

----along with my sewing and quilting projects.  My neighbors want to be involved and help me find good deals at White Elephant, Good Will and estate sales in area and donate those so they can feel good also about sharing with the needy here.

Congrats to Rebecca for landing the job she was hoping for at Rowan's Washington Elementary School.  With her experience and work ethic she showed at the preschool her boys attended, I know she'll be a great asset to each and every classroom she'll be involved with...and the hours and school schedules will coincide with her boys.  Good Going Rebs!