Wednesday, June 3, 2015


What a very busy month this has been for me filled with so many fun as well as challenging things to do.  No wonder I go to Green Valley in winter.  It's much more restful down there.

I was so happy to attend Taegan's award ceremony several weeks ago.  She was chosen the most outstanding student in her Social Studies class.  I also got to view the great article she wrote after she interviewed me and used some great photos of his military life and experiences in Vietnam.  Good Going Tae!

Congratulations to Taryn on her graduation from Empire High School with honors.  She'll be representing the district at a medical conference in Boston at the end of this month.  She'll be attending UA this fall and has been working hard to obtain various scholarships for a free ride.  She's just about there.  Good Going Taryn.  Her mom had a big surprise party for her afterwards and I even had some of the delicious and professionally decorated cake that one of Sunshines's friends created for the occasion.

Our desert has turned into the rain forest as we've had over 5" of rain in May and  caused more flooding in fruit room so Holly put ladder up and I cleaned out the sludge of dirt and leaves (she has vertigo on ladders).  Then a terrible dusty wind storm went through yesterday afternoon causing all sorts of havoc with trees felled and two boating accidents on Bear Lake with loss of a doctor and three children's lives  So sad to hear and makes the four hours of our power outage a very minor inconvenience.  I must say our lawn looks gorgeous and Holly loves the new lawn mower I bought after that piece of junk that Ryan used for three years.
The felling of this beautiful silver maple wasn't caused by a wind storm but by environment.  It's been dying slow but sure for many years like all the other silver maples here in Providence.  Many have their opinions why, but nothing definitive.  So I had it taken down along with several other  large bushes and stumps ground out.  Holly and I were sure we had identified all the sprinkler heads so wouldn't have damage, but one of the hoses could'n't withstand that whirling blade and I had to have it repaired.

Amy made the mistake of coming over to ask us if we would watch her home while they were on 10-day cruise and we asked her to help Holly move dad's old potting bench down to patio where she has made a darling entrance to her place.  Holly has been fired up to get things in better shape as we both want it beautiful
 here without so much upkeep.  We're making good progress and she can tell when I'm done and sends me in the house.

She was selected to be on the team to develop the new organic line of fish that P. Farm wan'ts to introduce so she has been working days and getting up at 4:30 - 5:00 is not her cup of tea.

These are my Lewis cousins who love coming to my home for lunch following decorating the graves in Logan and Providence cemeteries.  It poured rain and some couldn't come due to family weddings, grads, or illness, but they all loved the delicious wraps that Holly was in charge of.  I was shocked at Bob's appearance and demeanor.  He's changed so much, aged a lot, shuffles around like a 100 year old man and I felt

badly that he's been damaged so much.  He and Kate have sold their P.C. cabin, their home near St. Geo, his motorcycle and expensive car.  Sharlyn came and after a fun family history jeopardy game put together by Lance she told us all about the woes in her and daughter Lisa's lives.

 When I went to Paradise to put flowers on Henry and Zella's grave I passed their former house with new addition that owner Brent Pulsipher put on.  I'd like to take a look inside when it's all completed.

Took a fabulous raspberry dessert to Uncle Del and Carol.  They are in mid 80's and he's not doing well with congestive heart failure which took Grandpa Henry.  They were surely glad to see me and they are the last of dad's older relatives in Paradise.

My right eye is looking great (yea), so says Dr. Young at my midday checkup today and he'll make a slit, (yipes) in the left eye when I return from keeping a blurry closeup eye on my CO blondes next week while Katie's at Girls Camp.

Some of you have heard via Facebook that I've gifted and am selling my beloved Pacifica to Taryn to drive to UA and wanted to know what I replaced it with.  Well, this is a beautiful slightly used silver Jeep Cherokee which came with all the safety items that a woman with deteriorating vision could want.  However, after 2.5 weeks I knew that it was not for a gal who weighed 87 lbs as it has a smaller wheel base made for sturdier bodies.  Holly said she would buy it but "Dave" would yell at her so she's made the good decision to stick to her debt free plan.  I've traded it in for another car that might suit my needs,  but had better drive it for 2.5 weeks before I trade it in..........