Good Monday afternoon,
I just returned from a 1.5 mile walk on treadmill at fitness center (too cold to walk outside today) after I spent the morning washing and making "Maids of Honor". When I walked in sunny warm weather on Saturday I passed a grey haired active adult lady amid a fire truck and two police cars that had just arrived. Her darling white car was sitting a top several cacti on the rocked landscaped frontage near a huge cement entrance sign in front of Canoa Seca (development south of mine). There was a white van parked close by, but I couldn't tell what had actually happened and how she drove her car into that position. She wasn't hurt and the incident wasn't in yesterday's paper.
On Saturday morning Brooke brought Hyun down to help Grandma Gloria with her "honey do" list. They really cut a swath and in no time had most of the things checked off: trimming dead grass out back, replaced toilet valve, glued and nailed wood casing around glass on front door, painted a water stain spot on ceiling, trimmed dead branches of tree, installed new light over kitchen sink, put up new rain gauge, removed overgrown cactus in earthen pot, pulled small bush out of ground, Hyun taught me how to burn a CD and watched while I did one on my own and Brooke went over steps of Comp Backup instructions. Yea!!!! Took them to nice restaurant for lunch and visit. Thank you both sooooooo much!
I was sad to learn that Rachel and Ryan (Providence housemates) had a miscarriage last week and Rebecca's dear friend Shannon also lost one several weeks ago. It's really disheartening when this happens especially since they were both so excited to be pregnant and looked forward to a darling baby in their homes.
Are you all ready for Christmas? Not too many days left for those sweet grandchildren of mine who are counting the days to go. My weight is still at 91.0 and I hope I won't blow it and gain a lot this weekend!
Mom, why were you washing the maids of honor? ;)