Friday, April 27, 2012


Wow, last week it was in the high 80's and right now there is a snow blizzard and high winds going on outside.  Crazy weather here in the Cache Valley!!!  Last week I put 
weed and feed on the lawn, top soil on all the strawberries, Ryan transplanted 18 raspberry starts that Brent brought to me, and spent two days taking out the old grape vines that weren't producing much fruit.  Brent also fixed my leaking sprinkler system with a $3 part, yea!  I planted kale next to the spinach and have beets started in my mini greenhouse to give them a head start.  I thought I was well on my way this spring but having second thoughts with this blizzard outside.  Hopefully it will be short
   When I returned to Providence and thanks to Holly's recommendation, I hired two gals to clean the house (glad I didn't have them clean the windows as they got dirty again with .74 of rainfall last night). 
Yesterday Holly came over and helped put on the denim bedspread that I sewed together last winter.  It includes materials from dad's jeans, Henry's overalls, Holly and Rebecca's skirts and will look nice on the new bed in the den.  She also helped me with a few other things (sweet girl).  Currently I have quilts in various stages:  one on frames above, another on oval lap frame, binding one, another one ready to bind and four sets of daisy blocks that I've begun to sew together with sashing.
Ryan mentioned yesterday that I surely had a lot of projects going at once, and he's right.  But I've got plenty of room here and sometimes I get bored just working on one all the time.  It also helps when I get dizzy working outside to be able to come in and work on one of these or sit on the deck and read a good book.

After Holly and I went to see Hunger Games, she went out and bought all three in the series.  She's sharing them with me and R&R.  I began "Catching Fire" yesterday and Rachel and Ryan are going to read "Hunger Games".  He's into finals now and is hitting the books hard to keep up his 4.0 GPA so it'll be awhile before he can read for fun.

The exercises I'm doing for the vertigo seem to be helping a bit and I surely hope I can get passed it very soon.
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Thursday, April 26, 2012

Bee Sting Allergy

Haedyn -with his big loving heart -decided to rescue a bee from a bucket of water on Monday. after picking it up repeatedly (couldn't let the ants get it either) it stung him on his middle finger. Little did we know of the adventure we were about to have----

He woke up at 1am crying from the pain. you can see the swelling and the beginnings of a bruise. He got some Tylenol & Benadryl and went back to bed

We were in for a surprise when we woke up- his finger was double sized, swollen to te second nuckle and in more pain. Benadryl didn't do the trick. We went to the doctor to have it looked at. He said it was definitely a bee sting allergic reaction, gave us Prednisone and said to keep up the Benadryl around the clock and ice it. He also got Meds for his Hemophilia to eliminate that as a cause of his swelling since it was beginning to bruise.

By bedtime (27 hours afer the sting) his whole hand was swollen - no more knukles! but the doctor had told us it could get worse before it  got better.

Here is the bruising and his palm swelling.

Wednesday morning Hedyn gave us another surprise- big water blisters! One across the crease and a bigger one on the side with lots of tiny red blisters and even more swelling, his skin was now shiny it was so tightly stretched.

We were a bit perplexed by the blisters since those are not listed anywhere as a reaction to Bee Sting - so back to the doctor we went. They added an antibiotic and Tylenol with Codine to Haedyn's list of medicines. There is a danger of a sceonary infection and Haedyn was in so much pain he was waking every hour- even with Benadryl.

48 hours has passed so hopefully the reaction has peaked and it will begin to heal. Our doctor said that one positive is that his Allergic reaction was localized to his hand and we didn't have breathing problems.
Haedyn said he has learned his lesson- NO PICKING UP BEES!!!!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Happy Birthday to Me

The big 4-5.

I don't feel that old. It can't be 40 years ago I was a little kid.

Wow. I'm old.

Went to see The Hunger Games with Mom this afternoon and now I am at El Toro Viejo for birthday dinner (alone).

We start with a delicious margarita as an appetizer

then a carne asada quesadilla with sautéed mushrooms and onions. Yum

Topping it all off with FRIED ICE CREAM! which, according to myfitnesspal, has 372 calories per 1/2 cup. I'm pretty sure I had a cup's worth!

Happy Birthday to Me!!!

I am SO not down to 175. :(

Monday, April 9, 2012

Rowan's first swim lesson

Random cuteness and awesomeness from Montana

Look what Jesse built! He is so handy to have around (it doesn't hurt that he is so cute too)

Doesn't get much cuter than this.

Can you tell the boys love their new play fort?

What a goof ball.

Climbing up the wood pile, so proud.

Rowan is starting to ride his bike. I can't tell if he is having a good time or not.


Jesse and I make great looking kids

Rowan with his Grandpa Jim.

Homemade ice cream= Yum!

Easter Fun

Easter gifts from Grandma Gloria

Egg hunt in Missoula

There were 350 eggs, 30 kids and they were all gathered in less than 2 minutes!

Dylan turned 6......better late than never

Decorating gift bags with Dinosaurs

Bop the balloon

Everyone loves cupcakes

The classic game that everyone loves
