Friday, April 13, 2012

Happy Birthday to Me

The big 4-5.

I don't feel that old. It can't be 40 years ago I was a little kid.

Wow. I'm old.

Went to see The Hunger Games with Mom this afternoon and now I am at El Toro Viejo for birthday dinner (alone).

We start with a delicious margarita as an appetizer

then a carne asada quesadilla with sautéed mushrooms and onions. Yum

Topping it all off with FRIED ICE CREAM! which, according to myfitnesspal, has 372 calories per 1/2 cup. I'm pretty sure I had a cup's worth!

Happy Birthday to Me!!!

I am SO not down to 175. :(


  1. Well, since you didn't eat lunch, nor popcorn, nuts, candy or soda during movie, that's OK to celebrate your 45th birthday (you are soooo young). You looked good and were so positive and happy with Star and Lisa. I enjoyed my afternoon with you. XOXOXO

  2. This is a great blog. You are so clever sis. So did you like my birthday song? I am glad you had a great birthday, I just wish I could have joined you for dinner! xoxo


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