Sunday, February 3, 2013

Justin's Clothes are too big

So I wanted to lose some weight, but unless I have a real goal I usually fizzle out in 2 or 3 weeks and go back to eating crap and not working out. Since my Saturn is nearing its end if life Katie suggested a new truck (which I have wanted for a while, and I think she regretted mentioning that soon after she said it). The catch is I have to lose 40 pounds, and I've lost 22 so far. It won't be long now.


  1. Good job brother! I am proud of you.
    What is the rule about keeping the weight off vs keeping the truck?

    1. That is a great question Rebecca, I wonder what his answer will be.

    2. Justin told me he was going to drive the truck home with chocolate milk and a jelly donut!

  2. Justin, I knew you were doing this and were tempted with all those delicious foods we baked and ate when I was there for Christmas. But I'm trilled that you're back on course and are over that half way point in your total goal. Good Going young man!!!


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