Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Hamilton Happenings

Here is our rock-chuck who is living in our crawl space.  He is standing next to the hole he dug out of the crawlspace to the front yard.  We have a trapper trying to trap the little bugger.
I just made these thank you's for all those who donated items and money for our Seuss-ival carnival at Dylan's school.  We raised over $12,000 which we will use to purchase an ipad cart for the classrooms. I spent many  hours making the truffula trees (from the Lorax), but they were sure worth it.

 Better late than never is my motto, here are a few photos from Dylan's birthday party.

As you can see Dylan loved the Lego set we gave him for his birthday.

Dylan's friends loved doing silly face pictures for me....imagine that.
The kids loved making aliens out of gumdrops.  I made the eyes by dipping cheerios in white chocolate and stuffing them with mini chocolate chips, yum!


  1. Cute card! I love the aliens! Awesome idea with the eyes.

  2. So glad to learn that you caught that pesky old rock-chuck. Let's see how long has it been when I was there and you first started your search. Oh I'm so happy everything turned out great for your fund raiser as well as Dylan's party. I'll just bet all those kids had fun making those cute aliens. Good Going Rebecca!!!


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