Three more agave cacti in front and two in back are shooting out their stems and then they will die. My neighbors and those who do their walking along Pato are keeping watch on their progress.
Nice neighbors Jack and Dick took down the old fence rails that former owners had erected to "borrow" this community property land to use as their own. It's getting too much work for me to maintain and keep up so by returning this land to the HOA their people will do it for me. Last week the landscapers came and thinned out the overgrown cacti, dug out other dead ones and killed a rat and removed two nests under two clumps of these agave's. No wonder Jeri's succulent plants were constantly missing from her cute plant stands.
Lance is recovering slowly but surely from shoulder surgery, but will have to wear a sling for several months. This is Issac with him and I'm delighted to pass on the good new about Shad and Sarah being pregnant again. They had those two previous miscarriages and things are looking good for this baby. She's due in Aug and Shad will be leaving for Kuwait in Oct. They have been living in Grand Junction, CO. Also Eric and Cindy are due in November so the Hansen family is growing.
Mike who has 28 years of computer exp has spent at least 7 hours helping me get my computer working better after Geeks restored my previous crashes and didn't put them under me as the administrator (he's not a fan, but I did tell him how one found the work I had lost on mom's history last summer). Hopefully this week he can set me up with an image point on my hard drive so I can recover any possible retrievals. (heaven forbid)
Yesterday Brooke and family came down and spent the afternoon with me with a colorful narrative of their fabulous trip to the UK. I hadn't seen them for quite awhile and it was a fun afternoon especially with yummy strawberry shortcake and souvenirs they brought.
With highs in the 90's now I'm walking earlier and earlier everyday. The 2.92 miles I put in this morning starting at 7:30 was the best ever as I felt good the entire way. My goal is to reach 3.0 miles before I leave on the 12th. Brady is also feeling the best ever as he takes time out each day to get his exercises in. I want to stay as healthy as I can to see my grandchildren grow into fabulous adults.
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