Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Weigh-in Wednesday

The weather has really heated up this week (95) yesterday and the grasshoppers are everywhere - worse they are enjoying the everbearing strawberries that I was looking forward to. I picked 6 peaches yesterday so am glad for those. Dad would have been thrilled as he could hardly wait for the first ones off the tree. The awning repair fellow finally came last week and put new ropes on all three - so much better than before. The cucs are really coming on, but still no red tomato. Have been catching up on my 2010 scrapbook and should have that done soon. Was hoping Brady would blog his good news, but I guess he's swamped. I gained 1/2 pound this week (90.5) so "pigging out" must be working. I made a small batch of Swedish pancakes and enjoyed one with syrup. Thanks Rebecca.

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