I am not a shutter bug. I took these pics very quickly with my iPhone telling everyone I would not be doing this all night and only one pic per person. Whew.
Winston looks like I do when someone puts a camera in my face.
Sorry about some of the eyes.
I think I forgot Kate.
We had a good time grazing waiting for everyone to show. Then played "Who can be the Best Liar". Because that is a good skill to learn.
Actually it was a fun game where you tell two true things about yourself and one false. Then everyone has to guess which is false. Becky and Jen tied to win.
After pork tenderloin dinner (yum) we played Thanksgiving trivia. I got 18 out of 26 and Mom got 17. We both got a prize.
Wouldn't you know it, I won a big jar of milk chocolate almond toffee made with real butter! Just what I need!
I ate one piece and made Mom decide what to do with the rest.
I had a really good time. All those annoying young cousins have matured and I found myself enjoying their company- or maybe I have mellowed in my old age.
I don't know what's up with the title. It's supposed to say at Kate and Bob's