Thursday, November 17, 2011

Weigh In Wednesday

Hi y'all, I just returned from a wonderful walk along the golf courses before it get's too hot (75) today, ha! I had a great and safe trip down arriving yesterday at noon. I quite liked the way I broke the trip up this year by staying overnight with Lance and went with him, Becky and Wes to see his musical "Beauty/Beast". It was great and he did a fabulous job on the props and scenery. I was soooo proud of him as he's very talented in this field of work. Early start and stayed in Flagstaff Tues night - another early start to GV and loved the sight of gas at 3.11. Sunshine and all kids were sick with various stages of strep so Brooke came down solo to help lift heavy boxes out of car. Then in no time he had the router, modem, computer, cable box powered up and ready to go. The gas guy came and got water heater and gas going and this a.m. the plumber came to fix my leaky kitchen faucet (he makes more than a doctor)!!!

After he left I drove to P.O. (garage d00r opener was dead) and called Holly about forgetting to pack the mouse to this computer. She was so good to go right over and retrieve it and get in mail. You can't believe how many times already I've lost this message because of this stupid laptop mouse. I simply hate it!!!!!!

So I'm not going to take any more risks and I'll just send this much. I'm at 87.5 but am sooooo happy for Holly's progress. Good going!

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