Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Hamilton Happenings

Random cuteness

The kids got kites for Easter and had tons of fun

run, Rowan, run

Isn't Jesse so cute

Flowers from my husband for no reason.

Rowan loves to dance with his friend Scarlet

Pee Wee Soccer!  Rowan scored 6 goals last week.

Kindergarten soccer.  I enrolled Dylan in this as the 1st grade and above soccer is a little too intense for a boy who would rather just run and roll around the field.

Our chicks are getting big.  Jesse is still building the coop, so the chicks are still living in the shop.

Shannon's baby shower had a book theme.  Super fun and cute. I got so many compliments on my games and activities.

Shannon and I go together like peas and carrots.  It's our theme. Shannon and I have been trying to find each other peas/carrots presents for 19 years (it got so difficult that one year she bought me frozen peas and carrots...cheater).  I was elated when I found a peas and carrots onesie.

peas and carrots pacifier holder!!!!

She loves the afghan that mom made for her.

One month away.  I can not wait to be in the delivery room.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Truck weight Achieved!

I still want to get under 200lbs, but losing 43 isn't shabby. Had to lose 40 to get a truck, here is the fruit if my labor. Thanks to all for your encouragement!

Junior Senior Prom 2013

 Hannah had her hair done for the Prom, her hairdresser came to the house as a special favor.

[Brady says she looks like Galadriel]

Hannah and Nick (boyfriend and date) all dressed up.  Hannah is standing on a piece of wood since her heels were sinking into the grass.

Nick brought a corsage and was so nervous putting it on her wrist in front of both sets of parents.

 Hannah stuck Nick with the pin while attaching the boutonniere due to her giggles. 

Favorite photos from the park...

This is Hannah's favorite.

Nick, Hannah, Hanna and Cooper before going to dinner.

They went to a fancy Italian Restaurant and all four had pasta.

Hannah and Hanna have been BFFs since kindergarten and they went dress shopping together--we didn't expect them to choose the same color!  They are like two peas in a sea-foam pod.  Tammy (Hanna's mom) says she has two daughters named Hanna(h).

Friday, April 26, 2013

PROM 2013

Hyun and Taryn had Prom tonight! They are both on Prom Committee so they have been working at car washes, bake sales and other fundraisers all year. Today they spent the Morning decorating for the Alice in Wonderland Masquerade.  Before Prom we took them all out to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Hey Justin, it's your birthday!

As I searched through photos to blog for his birthday, I started to ask myself, "why do i have so many ridiculous photos of Justin?"

Happy 37th Birthday brother! You are such a goof ball, but we love you anyway.

Thursday, April 18, 2013


I LOVE this beautiful car despite the nasty road sluge, dirt, salt, etc that she wears now.  But she did a great job getting me home despite very challanging weather/road conditions that I encountered:

High winds, blinding dust storm north of Flagstaff;  detour through Vermmillion Cliffs area due to highway collapsing on usual route to Page, AZ; blizzard, snow packed roads through Panguich and mountenous Hwy 20; traffic threw sludge on windshield blinding me and jumped my heart rate up to 150 bpm;  accident on rest stop exit prevented my need to relieve my bladder and rest my sore bottom.  Walking in those conditions was out of the question and my bottom was screaming at me by the time I got to HAFB to gas up, do a little window cleanup and walk in commissary for 20 minutes to get relief and pick up a few things.

Good news when got home:  Ryan had the fridge plugged in, hot water heater and heat turned up so I could take a nice hot shower after I got car unpacked (he also carried the heavy boxes in for me.  It was 41 degrees and last night the low was 16. 

I'm on my way to get hair trim, visit library, and get a shower and shampoo for my wonerful car and continue unpacking and trying to remember where it all goes, ha!
Sunshine made a beautuiful Easter dress and two darling patio dresses for me that I will live in when weather warms up, yea!
Birthday party pool fun

Taegan spent a weekend with me and helped tie some blankets.
72 pillows

23 blankets and two quilts (one full size, one crib size) plus the 50 tiny quilts I made for the neonatal unit at Tucson Medical Center
86 dresses for abused and needy girls

I had no idea when I cut all these things out before I left Prov. last Fall that the outcome would be so great.  I really had to push hard to finish them up before I left, but those who received them were so appreciative and grateful that I feel really good about all my effort.