Sunday, April 28, 2013

Junior Senior Prom 2013

 Hannah had her hair done for the Prom, her hairdresser came to the house as a special favor.

[Brady says she looks like Galadriel]

Hannah and Nick (boyfriend and date) all dressed up.  Hannah is standing on a piece of wood since her heels were sinking into the grass.

Nick brought a corsage and was so nervous putting it on her wrist in front of both sets of parents.

 Hannah stuck Nick with the pin while attaching the boutonniere due to her giggles. 

Favorite photos from the park...

This is Hannah's favorite.

Nick, Hannah, Hanna and Cooper before going to dinner.

They went to a fancy Italian Restaurant and all four had pasta.

Hannah and Hanna have been BFFs since kindergarten and they went dress shopping together--we didn't expect them to choose the same color!  They are like two peas in a sea-foam pod.  Tammy (Hanna's mom) says she has two daughters named Hanna(h).


  1. Gorgeous hair Hannah (who is Galadriel anyway) and you four make a beautiful photo. The guys look very handsome all dressed up, but can't hold a candle to the sea-foam blonds. What a fun night for all of you, parents included.

  2. Sea-foam peas. Nice! My favorite photo is the four in front of the restaurant. What a great giggle smile Hannah!

  3. Super cute. Who is this Nick boyfriend? He has a great smile. Looks like you had a swell time my friend.


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