Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Hey Justin, it's your birthday!

As I searched through photos to blog for his birthday, I started to ask myself, "why do i have so many ridiculous photos of Justin?"

Happy 37th Birthday brother! You are such a goof ball, but we love you anyway.


  1. Gosh, Rebecca does have a theme going at the beginning, but I loved the one of you in the red shirt. I guess this shows us how much fun and relaxed you are at our family reunions. We'll be waiting to see the one Katie blogs when you reach your weight loss goal (it's in sight). Nice to visit with you this morning baby boy.

  2. This has got to be one of my favorite blogs. I keep pulling it up and laugh every time. Justin- just so you know, I've shown it, with love, to friends. : )!


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