Friday, July 12, 2013

Hamilton Happenings

Jesse loves his new shirt he got from mom for his birthday.

Too cute

Look how cute the chicken coop is.....the siding is the same as the house, sweeeeet!  Now I just need to finish painting the trim.

Father's day

The boys enjoy the Father's day gifts mom gave Jesse

Washing the car with the new gift from mom.  Thanks mom, the car needed a good cleaning.

Baby Jackson

Dylan loves to hug cousin Maya

Sunset in Salmon on the 4th of July

4th of July parade, they were so ready for all the candy

Fishing with Grandpa

Awesomer than Justin

1 comment:

  1. Lots of cute photos above. They really give us an overview of what's been going on up north with your family. The chicken coop looks cool Jesse, you're a man of many talents. Maybe I'll consider raising chickens as my garden is a big failure this year, Ha!


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