Friday, October 21, 2011

More dresses...... Sunshine sews like a crazy lady!

Here are the dresses I completed since the last set in September....... been a little busy...... seeing them all together is a little overwhelming. hard to believe I've done do many in the last 7 weeks

I made this dress 2 years ago, but styles have changed so I made her a pretty new skirt.

This is one of my favorites this month! she got first place last weekend in it!

Made this one 1 year ago, but it also needed an updated skirt - she also placed 1st!

This one is a "tennis skirt" like a cheer skirt with hot pink between the pannels

Finished this one today & sent it to CA to compete in LA tomorrow! cutting it close ther- hoping it fits just right!

This one competed in Scotland at their Nationals 2 weeks ago.

This is the smallest one so far! she's a tiny 6 rd old!

This one she designed all by herself. she knew exactly what she wanted! not bad for 9yrs old! :)


  1. Just beautiful, as usual! I just showed them to
    Chris (Jesse's mom) and she was soooooo impressed with your sewing talent. When are you sleeping???


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